Oversea Chinese Artists Association First Exhibit in 2017 Beijing 海外华人美术家协会“创世纪”第一届优秀作品展在北京開幕
First Art Exhibit organized by Oversea Chinese Artist Association was held in Beijing in December, 2017. Lily met Steven C. Rockefeller...
巴黎艺术财富沙龙展闭幕 华人画家、藏家收获颇丰 2017 Grand Palais ART CAPITAL
(Excerpt from article) Lily was invited to participate in 2017 the 11th Grand Palais ART CAPITAL at Paris France. Her artwork attracted...
American Governor Meets Chinese Artist
Oregon State Governor met local Chinese American artist Lily Ye at her governor’s office in May 2016. They had a long and pleasant...
叶丽应邀参加2015意大利世博会艺术绘画展 Lily participated in the Art Exhibition at Expo 2015 in Milan, Italy.
With invitation by the curator Prof. Giorgio Grasso, Lily participated in the Expo 2015 International Contemporary Art a cura di Giorgio...