Sculpture 雕塑
The sculpture “Anima” is the product of the continued effort in searching three aspects of self: Id, ego and super-ego. The female statue has a simple abstractive body sit on the heart. Balance and harmony are found in the solid and empty, black and white, surface and lines. The center of balance is the heart or eros, which provides the energy of psychologic dynamics and transformation of personality. The long braid black pigtail is a symbol of the Eastern culture seeking for love and caring.
雕塑作品《灵犀》英⽂《Anima》继续延伸我对“本我”、“自我”、“超我”的探索。相⽐我原创油画《 心理三維》中的⼥人体,这⾥以 更加简洁单纯的形体再现。⼥人的手势指向与形如“心” 状的盘腿倾斜姿态相呼应,即使从任何角度观看,都在呈现不同形态的“⼼”。 形式上丰满稳重,是⼀颗屹⽴不倒的"安心"。安心需要本我自我超我人格三维的平衡。这平衡要靠“爱洛斯”Eros” 或者爱提供能源;人格的转移与升华,实质上是对“爱洛斯”的转移与升华。粗⿊的⻓辫是东方的记忆,辫上的刻痕呈向下箭头的走向,渴求呵护与抚爱。在雕塑⾥用刀刻线,凸显中国传统人物画中“铁线描”之美。