Oversea Chinese Artists Association First Exhibit in 2017 Beijing 海外华人美术家协会“创世纪”第一届优秀作品展在北京開幕
First Art Exhibit organized by Oversea Chinese Artist Association was held in Beijing in December, 2017. Lily met Steven C. Rockefeller Jr. the CEO of the Rose Rock Group of the Rockefeller family, and Renown artist Cao Jun, one of 2017 the most influential people in the world, at the opening of the exhibit. Lily’s artwork caught the attention of Mr. Rockefeller who highly praised her creative art skills.
2017年12月,海外华人美术家协会“创世纪”第一届优秀作品展 在北京開幕. 叶丽與美国洛克菲勒财团的第五代掌门人史蒂文·洛克菲勒二世和榮获2017全球華人影响力人物卓越藝術成就奬的畫家曹俊老師相聚于北京開幕弍!叶丽的作品大受洛克菲勒赞赏!